1 year in florence, italy


The Master of Graphic Design is intended for graduates of specialized schools, young designers, students with professional training in: Graphic Design, Visual Communications, Interactive Media, Communication Sciences, and Computer Sciences. Instruction includes the execution of assignments encountered by professionals in Italy and internationaly. The program assists students in developing creative conceptual thinking and group responsiveness, producing sophisticated applications of design solutions, and intensive training in advanced technology.

Graphic Design Master Requirements:
Acceptance for Master courses depends on the student’s prior level of experience.Acceptance to the Master of Graphic design requires a degree in design. Please read the Admissions Page to determine if you qualify for the Graphic Design Master. Those who do not meet the Master requirements are welcome to enroll for our Academic level.

We are also offering a 1.5yr Master of Arts Degree, MA Design, issued in collaboration with the University of London. See the MA DESIGN Page for requirements.

Master of Graphic Design- 1st semester

GDV 501- Graphic Design Studio –
In this graduate studio, students will explore complex graphic design problems, projects with the emphasis on design problems requiring a multi-disciplinary approach. Students will be exposed to clients whose needs encompass a broad variety of design circumstances. Considerable research will be involved and students will learn to propose solutions to problems. The purpose of the course is to extend the student’s viewpoint beyond simple one-dimensional solutions and to encourage thoughtful and creative programming as well as innovative problem-solving.

CD 141- Interactive Media Design. -
This course explores application software, tools, and skills required to manipulate moving 2d imagery and create 2d animations website using a variety of Adobe programs. The course explores the leading software packages used in the field such as After Effects with emphasis on creativity and effective visual design.

GDV 170- Digital Photography - An in-depth exploration into two-dimensional digital imaging with an emphasis on creating exhibition quality work. Lecture topics will cover contemporary digital image makers, the use of digital cameras, advanced Adobe Photoshop techniques, scanning and output options.

GDV 175- Typography –
This course investigates visual identity concentrating on how typography and letterform contribute to the formation of the graphic language. The art of designing with type, including the planning of typeface, size, composition, and page layout. This course explores the fundamental principles of typography and its integral role in visual graphics.

HUM 150- Art History - The course begins with the art dating from Florence and Italythe end of the 1200’s . This course covers the most key artists practicing in the region of Tuscany from the 1300’s, until the early 1500’s. The course covers historical, social and political events and analyzes their influence on the artistic production. Many class sessions are held on-site in the form of field trips to museums or churches to enhance the in-class lectures.

HUM 120- Italian Language 1A - The courses will focus mainly on spoken conversational skills, with themes relating to common life, travel in Italy and business situations including greetings, days of the week, asking for directions, food, making plans, telling time, purchases and dealing with money and numbers.

master of GRAPHIC design- 2nd semester

GDV 502- Graphic Design Thesis -
This course will continue with the first semester's course structure. Part of the second semester is a focused on an independent project on a single topic, developed by the student working in conjunction with an advisor. During this studio course, students will try various formats for visualizing their thesis and will implement the design work necessary to realize their project. Emphasis will be placed on creative investigation and the development of original solutions that are conceptually strong and content filled. The final thesis will be comprised of the design project along with written documentation. Students must demonstrate independence in relation to their own design process and the ability to realize a complex graphic design solution.

GDV 172- Introduction to Video Making -
Course work will include digital video camera control techniques, studio lighting work and some work in sound recording. Lectures and discussions will be aimed at building a working vocabulary and experience for video and film production, including but not limited to camera movement, composition, direction of talent, music, story, atmosphere and mood.

VIS 701- Digital Illustration -
This introductory course will examine the historic and artistic expressions of art and images then translate the visual experience into a contemporary digital art medium. Students will study the aesthetic principles of drawing through two-dimensional digital vector and pixel-oriented illustration. Students will acquire experience with the illustration concepts of color, depth, balance and composition.

CD 140- Interactive Media Design,-
Explores application software, tools, and skills required to create 2d imagery, animations and web site design using a variety of Adobe programs. The course explores the leading software by Adobe, with emphasis on creativity for effective mobile applications and Web design.

HUM 151 Art History 2 -  
The second part of the course begins in Italy in the early 1500’s and continues past the Mannerist movement of Michelangelo. Students are explained the major artistic developments of the centuries from the ideal classical form into the complex era of the Counter Reformation. Many class sessions are held on-site in the form of field trips to museums or churches to enhance the in-class lectures.

HUM 121-Italian Language 1b  - The courses will continue to focus mainly on spoken conversational used in Italy. This more advanced level class will start to deal with general work and business discussions.

* Program may be subject to change