Bachelor degree

World admission requirements

The Bachelor Degrees of BA (hons) Interior Design and BA (hons) Graphic Design are issued in collaboration with Goldsmiths, University of London. Applicant’s qualities and skills will be assessed through examination of: Proof of Artistic Studies , Certification of English Skills , Academic Ability. Applicants may be required to have a phone interview before an offer of a place can be made.  

To apply to the 3 year Bachelor Degree we require one of the following for Academic Ability**:       

UCAS   A minimum of 112 UCAS points from GCE A Levels or equivalent, inc A2 Level Art & Design or Fine Art.
Foundation   UK Foundation Diploma Level 3 BTEC in Art and Design merit/distintion profile with mark of 50%, BTEC Diploma: D*D*
  QAA recognised Access to HE Diploma (Art & Design), Foundation Diploma in Art & Design, Open College Units or Open University Credits.
  OCR National Extended /Diploma (Art and Design): merit/ distinction profile
  The Advanced Diploma: acceptable in combination with one of the GCE A Level subjects listed above
  Welsh Baccalaureate (core) will be recognized as per our tariff offer.
IB    International Baccalaureate: 27 points, including 5 in HL Visual Arts.
ALBANIA   Dëftesë Pjekurie with 7/10 or above +  Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Diplomë e Maturës Shtetërore with 8/10 or above.
  Diplomë Jo-Universitare.
ALGERIA   Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Secondaire or Baccalaureat de Technicien/Commercial with an overall final score of 10/20 (Assez Bien)  +  Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Brevet de Technicien Superieur (BTS) with an overall grade of 14/20 (Bien) or above for Year 1/Level 4 entry.
  Diplome d'etudes Universitaires Appliquees (DEUA) with 12/20 (Assez Bien) or above Year 1/Level 4 entry
ARGENTINA   First Year of Titulo/Grado de Licenciado/a with an overall grade of 6 or above
  Trayecto Tecnico Profesiona (usually 6 years in length following primary school)with an overall grade of 6 or above
  Titulo de Tecnico Superior / Tecnico Universitario (2 years) with an overall grade of 6 or above
  Titulo Intermedio (2-3 years) with an overall grade of 6 or above will be considered for Year 1/Level 4 entry
AUSTRALIA   Year 12 School Leaving Certificate with 60% or above + ATAR with 72.5/77.9
  Associate Degree from a recognised institution considered for Year 1/Level 4 entry
AUSTRIA    Reife- und Diplomprüfung/Reifeprüfung /Berufsreifeprüfung / TVE-Diploma 3/befriedigend or above.
AZERBAIJAN   UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Svidetel'stvo o Srednem Obrazovanii/Attestat + Foundation Year
  1st year of Bakalavr/Specialist Diploma
  Orta Ixtisas Məktəbləri (Technical/Vocational College Diploma) with good grades
BAHRAIN   Tawjahiya (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) or Al-Thanawaya Al-Aama with 70%  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  First year of a degree from the University of Bahrain, grade C+ or a minimum grade-point average of 2.4 = Year 1/Level 4 entry.
  2 year Associate Degree GPA 2.6 = Year 1/Level 4 entry.
BANGLADESH   High School Certificate at an average grade of 70% / 4.0  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  HSC with 75%/ A / 4.5 or above.
BELGIUM   French speaking: ‘Certificat d’Eseignement Secondaire Superieur’ (CESS) 12/20
  German Speaking: ‘Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts’ (DOS) 6/10
BELIZE   Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) with grades 3 or above
  Associate degree (2 Years) with a C+/GPA 2.5/75% or above
  3 year Bachelor degree considered for Year 1/Level 4
BOLIVIA    First year of Licenciado with 64% or above 
  Titulo de Tecnico Universitario Medio (2 Years/4 semesters) with 64%/ or above
  Diploma de Tecnico Superior (3 Years ) for Year 1/Level 4 entry
  Titulo de Tecnico Universitario Superior (3 Years) for Year 1/Level 4 entry
BRAZIL   Ensino Medio with a minimum of 4 subjects with a grade 5 average +  UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  First year of Titulo de Bacharel/Titulo de Licencado
  Titulo de Tecnologo on completion of curso superior de tecnolagia, Year 1/Level 4 entry
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM   Brunei Matriculation with good grades
  HND  Year 1/Level 4 entry
BULGAIRA   Diploma Za Sredno Obrazovanie (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education) 4.5 or above
CAMEROON   Baccaleaureat Grades 10-13 + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Baccalaureat or Diplome de Bachelier de Technicient/Brevet de Technicient  with 14/20 or above
  General Certificate of Education Advanced Level with grade C or above
  General Certificate of Ordinary Level/Certificat de Probation in 4 relevant subjects + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  2 Year Higher National Diploma (HND)/Higher Professional Diploma (HPD) will be considered for Year 1/Level 4 entry
  Brevet de Technicien Superieur/Diplome en Soins Infirmiers considered for Year 1/Level 4 entry
  Diplome d'Etudes Universtaires Generales with 12 or above will be considered for 2nd year entry
  3 Year Higher National Diploma (HND)/Higher Professional Diploma (HPD)  considered for Year 1/Level 4 entry
CANADA   Alberta : General High School Diploma with 65% in five acceptable Grade 12 subjects.
  British Columbia: Senior Secondary Graduation Diploma - At least 5 B's must be awarded in acceptable Grade 12 course
  Manitoba: High School Graduation Diploma when five credits have been awarded at grade 12 in G,F S or A courses.
  New Brunswick:  High School Graduation Diploma if an average of at least 65% in five acceptable subjects is obtained.
  Newfoundland: General High School Graduation Diploma with a mark of 65% in five acceptable subjects at University preparatory level.
  Northwest Territories: High School Diploma if awarded with an average of at least 65% in five acceptable Grade 12 courses.
  Nova Scotia: High School Completion Certificate if awarded with at least an average of 65% in five acceptable subjects at Grade 12.
  Nunavut: High School Diploma if awarded with an average of at least 65% in five acceptable Grade 12 courses.
  Ontario: Ontario Secondary School Diploma with at least 65% or above in six Grade 12 U or U/M 
  Prince Edward Island: High School Graduation Diploma if a minimum average of 65% in at least five acceptable subjects at Grade 12
  Quebec: Diplome d Etudes Collegiales (DEC) in technical subjects over 3 years / Diplome d Etudes Collegiales (DEC) / Attestation d Etudes Collegiales with 65%
  Saskatchewan: Grade 12 Standing/ Division IV Standing (Secondary School Diploma) with 65% in five subjects
  Yukon Territory: Senior Secondary Graduation Diploma when awarded with at least five Bs (BBBBB) in acceptable Grade 12 courses.
  Associate Degree with C/GPA 2.0 out of 4 / 60%.
CHILE   Titulo de Bachiller / Bachillerato (2-3 years) with an overall  GPA of 4.5/7 
  Tecnico Superior (3 Years from a Technical Training Centre)  will be considered for Year 1/Level 4 entry
  Tecnico Universitario (3 Years from a University) will be considered for Year 1/Level 4 entry
  Titulo de Bachiller / Bachillerato (3 + years) will be considered for Year 1/Level 4 entry
CHINA   Senior High 2 at an average grade of 70% or Senior High 3 at an average grade of 65% + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  China 3 year National Senior High School Certificate with 75%
  China 3 year National Senior High School Certificate with 75% or above at Huikao
  Gaokao (University Entry Exam) with good grades 
  Senior Technical College or Vocational School (Zhongzhuan) with a minimum average of 75% or above
  Dazhuan considered for entry to Year 1/Level 4 entry
  BFSU Foundation Year at 60% or above
  Dongfang International Centre for Education Exchange Top University Foundation Course 60% or above
  East and West International Education (EWIE)/ Wiseway Global International Foundation Certificate at 60% or above
COLOMBIA   First year of Licenciado/Titulo with a 3.5 GPA or above
  Tecnico Profesional (18 months) with a 3.5 GPA or above
  Tecnólogo/Titulo a nivel tecnológico (2 years) may be considered for Year 1/Level 4 entry
  Tecnólogo Especializado (2 years+) may be considered for Year 1/Level 4 entry
COSTA RICA   First Year of Licenciado with an overall grade of 8/10 
  Diplomado (2 years) will be conisdered for Year 1/Level 4 entry
  Tecnico Superior (2 years) will be conisdered for Year 1/Level 4 entry
CROATIA   Svjedodžba o Maturi (Matura Certificate) 3.5 or above
CUBA   First Year of Titulo de Licenciado / Arquitecto / Doctor / Ingeniero ( Licenciatura, Architectura, Medicina or Ingenieria programmes with an overall grade of 3//Bien or above 
  Titulo de Tecnico en [allied health disciplines] (3 years) with an overall grade of 3/Bien or above
CYPRUS   At least 14 overall in Apolytirion + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Apolytirion 17/20. We can accept 16/20 as proof of English
CZECH REPUBLIC   Maturitni Zkousce/ Maturita (school-leaving certificate) 2.5 average (must have studied at least 4 subjects)
DENMARK   Studentereksamen (HF, HHX, HTX) STX overall grade 7 or above. 7/10 is considered for proof of English
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC   Tecnico (2-3 years) with an overall grade of C/70% or above
  Licenciado (4 years) will be considered for Year 1/Level 4 entry
ECUADOR   First Year of Titulo de Licenciado with an overall grade of 60% or above
  Titulo de Tecnólogo (3 Years) with an overall grade of 60% or above
EGYPT   Al-Thanawaya Al-Aama (General Secondary Education Certificate) with overall 60% and a minimum of pass in each subject PLUS + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  2-year Diploma from an Intermediate/Higher Institute with an overall average of 65% or higher AND completion of the Al-Thanawaya Al-Aama (General Secondary Education Certificate) with an overall grade of 60% or above and a minimum of pass in each subject taken or the Technical Secondary School Certificate.
  Bachelor’s Degree considered for Year 1/Level 4 entry
EL SALVADOR   First Year of Licenciado / Titulo de with an overall grade of 6/10 or above 
  Tecnico / Perito / Auxiliar with an overall grade of 6/10 or above 
  Tecnico Superior will be considered forYear 1/Level 4 entry
  Diplomado (3 years) will be considered for Year 1/Level 4 entry
ESTONIA   Gumnaasiumi Ioputunnistus (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) (GI) 65% overall 
ETHIOPIA   Advanced Diploma (12+3) with C/2/satisfactory
  3-4 or 4-7year Bachelor Degree will be condsidered for Year 1/Level 4 entry
FINLAND   Ylioppilastutinkintotodistus/Studentexamensbetyg (Finish National Matriculation) with an overall grade of 4 (Cum laude approbatur). 
  We can also accept grade 4 as proof of English
FRANCE   French Baccalaureate (FB) or the Option International du Baccalaureat (OIB) with a minimum of 12 overall. 
  We can accept grade 10 of the FB or grade 10 of the OIB for proof of English Language skills.
  Diplome du Baccalaureat Professionnel with a minimum of 14 or above overall
GEORGIA   Secondary School Leaving Certificate with good - excellent grades
GERMANY   Abitur with 2.0 overall. Abitur 10/15 is valid as proof of English
  We can accept a Grade 10 in English Language as proof of Engish Skills.
GHANA   West African School Certificate (WAEC) wuth grades 1-8 in 4 relevant subjects  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  National Diploma with good grades
  Higher National Diploma  considered for Year 1/Level 4 entry
GREECE   Apolytirion 17/20.
  16/20 in English is considered valid proof of English Skills.
GUATEMALA   First Year of Licenciado with an overall grade of 61% or above
  Tecnico (Universitario) / Diplomado (2 years) Year 1/Level 4 entry
  Grado Academico de Baccalaureatus considered for Year 1/Level 4 entry
GUYANA   UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) with an overall grade of 3 or above
  Diploma (2 years) with good grades
  2-3-4 Year Associate Degree with an overall GPA 3.0/C or above Year 1/Level 4 entry
  Bachelor's degree (4 years) will be considered for Year 1/Level 4 entry
HAITI   Diplome d'etudes Superieures / Professional title with an overall grade of 60% or above
  Maîtrisewith  for Year 1/Level 4 entry
HONDURAS   First Year of Licenciado with an overall grade of 61%/3 or above
  Bachillerato Universitario (3 years) for Year 1/Level 4 entry
HONG KONG   HKCEE with 4 x E's in academic subjects or Form 5 in a minimum of 3 academic subjects or HKDSE with minimum 222 in relevant subjects  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Cambridge A Levels or International Baccalaureate Diploma
  UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  HKDSE with grades 3-5 in 4 core subject areas and at least 1 elective subject. 
  HKALE scored against UCAS tariff system
  Higher Diploma with C or above will be considered for Year 1/Level 4 entry
  Associate Degree with good grades may be considered for Year 1/Level 4 entry
HUNGARY   Erettsegi/Matura with a minimum overall grade of 3.5 = Year 1/Level 4 Entry.
ICELAND   Pass Studentsprof with a minimum of 6.00 in every subject.
  Overall grade of 68% or above in Senior Secondary School Certificate/Higher Secondary School Certificate awarded on completion of Standard XII from:
  Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).
  Council for Indian School Certificate Examination (CISCE).
  International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE).
  68% or above from Major State Boards
  Overall grade of 72% or above in Senior Secondary School Certificate/Higher Secondary School Certificate awarded on completion of Standard XII from the following boards:
  Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Rajesthan, Uttarakhand
INDONESIA   SMA2 with an average of 7.0.  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Certificate of Graduation from academic / Islamic secondary school from grades 7/60 = Level 4 entry.
  D1, D2 or D3 diploma with good grades (B3) from a recognised Indonesian institute = Year 1/Level 4 entry.
IRELAND   Irish / Scottish Highers: B in 4 subjects, including Art.
IRAN   High School Diploma (3 years) with a minimum grade of 12/20  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  4 year high school diploma with an overall score of 12/20 or above
  Pre-University Certificate with a grade of 14/20 or above = Year 1 / Level 4 entry
  Associate Degree from a Univeristy with a grade of 14/20 or above may be considered for Year 1/Level 4
IRAQ   A Preparatory Certificate / Secondary School Certificate / Preparatory Baccalaureate Certificate / or Sixth Form Baccalaureat with average overall grade of 70%.  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  2 year Diploma of Technician OR Technical Diploma from a higher technical institute or commercial institute with 70% of above=Year 1
ISRAEL   Students holding the High School Completion Diploma (Te'udat Gemer Tichonit or Te'udat Hagamar Hatichonit) without the Matriculation Certificate  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Bagrut (Matriculation Certificate) with a minimum of 75% overall, with at least 75% in three programme-relevant Level 5 subjects = Year 1/Level 4 entry.
ITALY   Diploma do Esame di Stato with a minimum overall mark of 70/100.
JAPAN   Kotogakko with a GPA of 2.0 + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shomeisho (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate) with GPA 4.0 with pass in 4 subjects
  4 Year Diploma/3 Year Associate Degree awarded by a Junior College/College of Technology with minium grade C/60% 
JORDAN   Tawjihi with an average of 50% in 4 relevant subjects.  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Tawjihi with an overall grade of 50% or above and a minimum of pass in each subject taken + UK Level 3 BTEC in Art and Design with 50%
  3-year Community College Diploma from a recognised institution with 60% or above for Year 1/ Level 4 entry.
KAZAKHSTAN   ATTESTAT/Certificate of Secondary Education with pass grades in at least 4 subjects  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Good grades in the Diploma of Completed Specialised Secondary Education with a minimum score of 3.5/5 = Year 1/Level 4 entry.
  1 year of degree level study from a recognised university with a minimum score of  70% or GPA 2.33/C+= year 1/level 4 entry.
KENYA   Kenyan Certificate of Secondary Education (KSCE)/O Levels Grades A-E in 4 relevant subjects  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Kenyan Advanced Certificate of Education at principle level
  University Diploma with good grades (50%/C)
  Cambridge A Levels or International Baccalaureate
  UK Level 3 BTEC in Art and Design with 50%
KUWAIT   UK Level 3 BTEC in Art and Design with 50%
  Diploma from a PAEET Institute with grade C/GPA 2.00 or above
KYRGYZSTAN   Applicants require the Certificate of Completed Secondary Education (Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanii) + UK Level 3 BTEC in Art and Design with 50%
  1 year of degree-level study from a recognised university with a minimum GPA 3.0/5= year 1/level 4 entry.
LATVIA   Atestats par Visparejo Videjo Izglitibu (Certificate of General Secondary Education) with an overall grade of 7 or above.
LEBANON   Lebanese Baccalaureat General / Baccalaureate Technique/ General Secondary Certificate with an Average mark of 12 or scores of 300/500 or above.  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Diplome de Technicien Superieur average mark of 15.
  Diploma of Technical Licence / Licence Technique average mark of 14.
  Diplome Universitaire de Technologie average mark of 15.
  French Baccauleate with an overall grade of 12 or above for Year 1/Level 4 entry.
LIBYA   Secondary Education Certificate with an average of 60% and good grades in relevant subjects  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Higher Diploma with overall GPA 2.5 out of 4 OR 3.0 out of 5 OR 60% = Year 1/Level 4
LITHUANIA   Brandos Atestatas with an overall grade 8 or above, including 70% in the state exams
LUXEMBOURG   Diplome de Fin d Etudes Secondaires with an overall score of 39 or above
MACAO   Form 5 or Senior Middle 2 with an average grade of 60%  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  SPM, 4 grades A - C grades in relevant academic subjects including English and Maths. 4 'O' Level passes at grade C in the appropriate subjects, or equivalent evidence of satisfactory completion of secondary or high school education.  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Diploma/Higher Diploma with 6 or above
  Full STPM with a GPA 2.5 in 3 of 5 subjects = Year 1/Level 4 entry.
  Matrikulasi (Matriculation Certificate) with GPA of 2.0 = Year 1/Level 4 entry.
  Certificate or Diploma from an MQA registered institution with good grades=  Year 1/Level 4 entry.
  Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) 5 grade Bs (at any grade) = Year 1/Level 4 entry.
  Malaysian Independent Secondary School (MICSS) with good grades = Year 1/Level 4 entry.
  Pre-University and UiTM Diploma = Year 1/Level 4 entry.
  Advanced diploma with good grades from an MQA registered institution = Year 1/ Level 4 entry.
MAURITIUS   Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate/General Certificate of Education Advanced Level
  Certificate (Awarded by a University) will be considered for year 1/ Level 4 entry
  Higher Technician Diploma will be considered for Year 1/Level 4
  Diploma (Awarded by a University) will be considered for Year 1/Level 4 entry
MEXICO   Bachillerato with an average grade of 65%  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Bachillerato with grades 9 or 10
  Salida Lateral or Carrera Corta leading to a Diploma or Titulo Tecnico (2-3 years) will be considered for year 1/ Level 4 entry
  Titulo de Tecnico Superior Universitario / Titulo de Profesional Asociado (2 years) will be considered for year 1/ Level 4 entry
MOROCCO   Diplome du Baccalaureat/Attestion du Baccalaureat/Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Secondaire (Morrocco Baccalaureate) with grades 10/20 or Passable.  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Diplome du Baccalaureat/Attestion du Baccalaureat/Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Secondaire (Morrocco Baccalaureate) AND the Brevet de Technicien Superieur (BTS, Higher Technical) with a minimum grade of 14/20  or Bien= Year 1/Level 4 Entry.
  Diplome d etudes Universitaires de Technologie/ Certificat Universitaire d'etudes Scientifiques/ Certificat Universitaire d'etudes Litteraires/ Diplome d'etudes Universitaires Generales  = Year 1/Level 4 Entry.
MYANMAR   Higher School Matriculation/Standard 10 with 50% + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Associated Degree/Diploma (when studied for at least 2 years) with 50% or above =  Year 1/Level 4 entry.
NEPAL   50% in Year 12.  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  HSSC with an overall pass rate of 60% or above.
  2 Year Bachelor degree from a recognised institution with 60% or above.
  3 Year Bachelor degree from a recognised institution between 55% - 65%.
NETHERLANDS   Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) - Overall score of 7 or above.
  We can accept grade 8 or above in English Language as proof of English Skills.
NICARAGUA   Holders of a Tecnico Superior (2-3 years) with an overall grade of 75% or above
NIGER   UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
NIGERIA   West African School Certificate (WAEC) or Senior School Certificate with grades 1-8 in 4 relevant subjects  + Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  International Foundation Programme from GEC Academy with 55% or above
  Diploma/National Diploma from a recognised institution with GPA 2.5 out of 5 or 2.0 out of 4
  Higher National Diploma- Year 1/Level 4 entry
NORWAY   Vitnemal fra den Videregaende Skole with grade 3 or above. We can accept a VVO year 1 grade of 4.0 as proof of English.
  Vitnemal fra Teknisk Fagskole / Tekniker with a grade of Bestatt or above.
  Hogskolekandidat with a grade of 3.0.
OMAN   Thanawiya amma or (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) Tawjihiyya School Leaving Certificate with 65% or above  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  2-year Diploma with 60% / GPA of 2.0 or above.
PAKISTAN   High Secondary Certificate (50%) or SSC (65%). + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  FA (Humanities) with minimum 75% OR HSSC preengineering/pre-medical/science routes with 70%. 
  Diplomas of Associated Engineer (DAE) with 70% or above = Level 4 entry.
  Associate Degree Programme with 50% 59% = Level 4 entry / 60% or above =  Year 1/Level 4
  Issued 2020 or earlier: 2year Bachelor Degree from recognised institution with minimum 60% = Year 1/ Level 4 entry.
  3-year Bachelor Degree= Year 1/ Level 4 entry.
PALESTINE   Certificate of General Secondary Education with a minimum 70% / Good / C Plus UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%.
  A Community College Diploma with a minimum overall 60% / Satisfactory.
PANAMA   First Year of Licenciado with minimum overall grade of 71%/average
  Tecnico (2-3 years)with minimum overall grade of 71%/average
PARAGUAY   Cambridge A Levels or International Baccalaureate Diploma
  UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  First Year Titulo de Licenciado / Titulo de [professional title] with minimumoverall of 3/Bueno
  Titulo de Tecnico Superior (2 years)with minimum overall of 3/Bueno
PERU   Titulo de Professional Tecnico (3 years/6 semesters) with minimum overall grade of 13/20
  Titulo de Professional (3.5 years)- Year 1/Level 4 entry
PHILIPPINES   UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50% 
POLAND   Świadectwo Dojrzałości / Matura (Secondary School Certificate) with a grade of minimum 65% overall
PORTUGAL   Diploma de Ensino Secundario / Certificado de fim de Estudos Secundarios with minimum overall score of 14/20
PUERTO RICO   Associate degree (2 years) with minimum overall grade of C/70%/GPA 2.00
  Technical College Certificate (2 years) with minimum overall grade of  C/70%/GPA 2.00
QATAR   Thanawaya Aam Qatari with average grade of 70%  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  UK Level 3 BTEC in Art and Design with 50%
  The Qatar Foundation's International Foundation programme
  Bachelor Degree- Year 1/Level 4 entry
  Qatar Academic Bridging Programme Pass
  2 Year or 3 Year Diploma= Year 1/Level 4 entry
  2 Year CONA Chemical Processing Technician Diploma- Year 1/Level 4 entry
ROMANIA   Romanian Diploma de Baccalaureate with minimum overall grade of 7
RUSSIA   ATTESTAT/Certificate of Secondary Education  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Diploma of Secondary Vocational Education (Advanced Level)
  1-3 years of a relevant Bachelor's degree with good grades year 1/Level 4 entry
RWANDA   Baccalaureat or Diplome de Bachelier with minimum 14/20
  Certificate of Higher Education with good grades
  Diploma in Higher Education with good grades will be considered for  Year 1/Level 4
  Advanced Diploma in Higher Educations with good grades will be considered for year 1/ Level 4 entry
  Licence with good grades will be considered for year 1/Level 4 entry
  Ingenieur Civil/Ingenieur Agronome with good grades will be considered for year 1/ Level 4entry
SAUDI ARABIA   Tawjihi with average of 50% in 4 relevant subjects  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  UK Level 3 BTEC in Art and Design with 50%
  2 years diploma from a recognised institution with a GPA 3.0/5.0 or GPA 2.75/4.0 or above
  Associate degree with a GPA of 3.0 (out of 5) or 2.5 (out of 4) or above
SCOTLAND   Irish / Scottish Highers: B in 4 subjects, including Art.
SINGAPORE   Polytechnic certificate with 60% or above = Year 1 / Level 4 entry.
  Polytechnic Advanced Diploma = Year 1/Level 4
SLOVAKIA   Vysvedcenie o Maturitnej Skuske (Maturita) with a minimum overall score of 2
SLOVENIA   Maturitetno Spricevalo (Matura - Secondary School Leaving Certificate) with a minimum of 4 (very good) overall
SOUTH AFRICA    National Higher Certificate/Higher Certificate in Technology with good grades
  National Senior Certificate with 3 B grades and 2 C grades
  For proof of English we can accept GCE / O Level Qualification - Grade 4 – 7
SOUTH KOREA   Korean high school graduation equivalency exam - 60%+ including relevant subjects  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  CSAT 5 (which has been preceded by 3 year High School Diploma) with a minimum of 250 credits
  CSAT 3 (which has been preceded by 3 year High School Diploma) with a minimum of 250 credits
  Junior College Diploma with minimum 2.0 or 70%
SPAIN   Titulo de Bachillerato with 7 or above.
SRI LANKA   Sri Lanka General Certificate of Education with grades Credit Pass, Distinction or High Pass  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Sri Lankan General Certificate of Education at 65% or above = Year 1/Level 4 entry.
  National Diploma with good grades will be considered = Year 1/ Level 4 entry.
  HND considered for Year 1/ Level 4 entry.
SURINAME   Polytechnic College Certificate with a good Good Classification
  Candidaatsexam with a good Good Classification will be considered for Year 1/Level 4
SWEDEN   Fullstandigt Sluttbetyg fran Gymnasieskolan with grade G/Good or grade C overall.
  We can accept grade VG or C as proof of English.
SWITZERLAND   Federal Secondary School Leaving Certificate - overall grade of 4.5
TAIWAN   Senior High 2 at an average grade of 60% or Senior High 3 at an average of 55% and passes in 4 or more subjects  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Relevant Associate Degree/Junior College Diploma with C/65%/Pass or above will be considered for 1st year/Level 4 entry
TANZANIA   Secondary School Leaving Certificate Grades A-E in 4 relevant subjects + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  COHSC/EAACE will be considered for 1st Year entry (BCC/BBC depending on course entry requirements)
  Higher Diploma will be considered for 1st Year/ Level 4 entry
  Advanced Diploma will be considered for 1st Year Level 4 entry
THAILAND   Mathayom 6 with a GPA of 2.0 in relevant subjects  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Associate Degree with GPA 2.0/C or above = Year 1/Level 4 entry.
  UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Bachelor Degree considered for Year 1/Level 4 entry
TURKEY   Devlet Lise Diplomasi (State High School Graduation Diploma), Lise Bitirme Diplomasi (High School Graduation Diploma), Anadolu Lisesi Diplomasi (Anatolian High School Diploma) or Fen Lisesi Diplomasi (Science High School Diploma) with 50% or CGPA 2.5/5 overall  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Devlet Lise Diplomasi (State High School Graduation Diploma), Lise Bitirme Diplomasi (High School Graduation Diploma), Anadolu Lisesi Diplomasi (Anatolian High School Diploma) or Fen Lisesi Diplomasi (Science High School Diploma) with CGPA3.5/5 or 70%
  First year of Lisans Diplomasi Minimum CGPA3.5/5 and relevant high school grades
  On-Lisans Diplomasi (Associate degree)  for Year 1/Level 4 entry
UGANDA   Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE)/EACE/COSC Grades 1-6 in 4 subjects + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education grade ar principle level (240-300 UCAS points depending on course entry requirements)
  Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate with good grades
  East African Advanced Certificate of Education (240-300 UCAS points depending on course entry requirements)
  Higher Diploma may be considered for year 1/ Level 4 entry
UKRAINE   ATTESTAT/Certificate of Secondary Education + 1 Year of University with good grades OR UK Level 3 BTEC in Art and Design with 50%
UAE   Tawjihi with an average of 60%  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Cambridge A Levels or International Baccalaureate Diploma
  UK Level 3 BTEC in Art and Design with 50%
  Associate Degree may be considered for year 1 Level 4 entry
  Higher College of Technology Higher Diploma may be considered for 1 year/ Level 4 entry
    USA residents should be advised that Saliemae is the only loan option for study outside the US 
 USA   Entry Requirements: High School Diploma with 3.5/4.0 GPA (SAT or ACT not needed)**
  USA High School diploma (or equivalent) with a GPA 3.0/4.0 PLUS one of the following:
  1. SAT (post 2016) with an overall grade of 1090 (including 550 in reading/writing and math)
  2. ACT with an overall grade of 22
  3. 2 AP Tests in relevant subject with grades 3 or above
  4. 2 High School Honours Classes or Advanced Placement (AP) classes with B Grades
  5. 1 Year of College with B Grades
URUGUAY   First Year of Licenciado with minimum overall grade of 7
  Titulo de in relavant area (1-2 years in length) will be considered for Year 1/Level 4
UZBEKISTAN   O'rta Ma'lumot To'g'risida Shahodatnoma (Certificate of Completed Secondary Education) with 3/5 (equivalent to 60%) or above  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Applicants require an O'rta Ma'lumot To'g'risida Shahodatnoma  (Certificate of Completed Secondary Education) and UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  First year of a degree programme minimum grade 65% for year 1/Level 4 entry.
VENEZUELA   First year of Licenciatura with minimum overall grade of 60%
  Titulo de Tecnico Superior Universitario (2-3 years) with minimum overall grade of 60%
VIETNAM   Year 11 with a GPA of 7.0  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Year 12 with a GPA of 6.0  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Year 12 with 8 = Year 1/Level 4 entry.
  Year 1 of Vietnamese University with minimum 6.7/10 or 2.6/4.0 = Year 1/Level 4 entry.
  Associate Degree = 1st Year/ Level 4 entry.
YEMEN   General Certificate of Education (Al Thanawiya Al Eama) with 65% or above  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  General Certificate of Education (Al Thanawiya Al Eama) with minimum 65% Plus UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Higher Diploma/Higher Technical Diploma from Sana's Community College with good grades (70%) or above = Year 1/Level 4 entry.
  Bachelor's Degree from a recognised University may be considered for Year 1/Level 4 entry.
ZIMBABWE   Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level A-C in 5 relevant subjects  + UK Level 3 BTEC Art and Design with 50%
  Higher School Certificate with good grades
  National Diploma with good grades
**Good Grades are considered to be a minium of 'C' , 70%, 7/10 in all subjects during final two years of study

See here for Additional Requirements for English and Visual Arts skills

**Completion of a standardized achievement test approved by the state board of education must accompany transcripts in cases of homeschooling.  

Declaration of Value for academic records as issued by the Italian Embassy may be requested. 


Graphic Design
academic ability

-Academic Ability . Please contact us if your country is not listed above.

Graphic Design Courses
english skills

-Language Requirement See here for requirements

Courses of graphic
artistic studies

-Proof of Art Studies- See here for Visual Arts Requirements